Speak Up For Cleaner Rivers

All it takes is a series of small actions by lots of people to make a big impact on our rivers. Through personal power and responsibility, we can keep our rivers clean for all to enjoy. Wondering how you can make a difference? Start with a few small steps:

Submit your TRASH TALLY

Submitting a tally of the trash you find is one of the most important parts of the Source to Sea Cleanup. Your data helps show the scope of the trash problem so we can focus solutions where they’re needed most.

We recommend assigning a volunteer or two to handle the tallying, while others do the pick up. This is a great job for youth in your groups or anyone who has mobility issues or for any reason would rather not pick up trash.

Submit Tally Here

Be a #RiverWitness

As you venture out to enjoy the great outdoors, share your river experience by using #RiverWitness and tagging @ctriverconservancy on Instagram. Show the beauty of your favorite river spot or tributary, or use this opportunity to document the not-so-pretty side of pollution to raise awareness for the importance of conservation. We’ll be on the lookout to share!

Upload your photos

How to Make a Difference

Multiply Your Impact

Invite friends, family, and co-workers to join you in this cleanup effort.

Speak Up for Your Rivers

Contact your elected representatives and show them the trash problem – let them know this is an issue that deserves their attention and legislative action.

Use Purchase Power

Tell businesses what products to make and sell; purchase only reusable items and refuse single-use plastic and foam.

Lead by Example

Don’t litter and properly dispose of your waste — no wish-cycling!

Support Legislation

Sign up for Connecticut River Conservancy’s state-specific advocacy emails which include action alerts for when there is legislation you can directly support (or oppose!).