Sunderland, MA

Tire Dump North of Sunderland Boat Launch

Adopt This Site

Site Description

Tires are strewn along about 150′ of the river along the banks in the water. They appear to all be car tires except for one larger tire. All are able to be hauled out by hand, but the site is only accessible by water. It is about 1 mile upriver from the Sunderland Boat Launch at the Blue Bridge. When you reach the southern tip of Second Island (the second island north of the Blue Bridge) there is rock ledge on the Sunderland shore. From the rock ledge paddle/steam along the shore looking in water for the tires. Most are almost midway between the rock ledges at the south end of the island and the steep rock cliffs. Go slow and you will see the tires.

Trash Description

5-6 submerged tires

Remember to scout your site before you go out to ensure you know the conditions in real time.

Estimated Volunteers: 4

Adults 18+ Only