Hatfield, MA

Little Neponset Rd

Adopt This Site

Site Description

This site is part of the floodplain forest adjacent to farm fields off of Elm Court and Little Neponset Road. There is a lot of trash and debris thrown over the bank into the brook that is located along Little Neponset Road as it passes the cemetery. Farther down the road there is a lot of small trash and debris along the ATV paths and the road. Little Neponset Drive is a dirt road that is an immediate left after the cemetery on Elm Court. This road travels through the flood plain forest and then travels through the farm fields and out along the river._x000D_
Cleaned in 2016, 2019, 2020. May not need cleaning every year.

Trash Description

Bottles, cans, and miscellaneous dumped trash

Remember to scout your site before you go out to ensure you know the conditions in real time.

Estimated Volunteers: -510

Adults 18+ Only